Rabbi Breitowitz's Tuesday Shiurim

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Location: Bethesda, MD, United States

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Gemara Beitzah Daf 10b Conclusion White birds and black birds, designation, if you designate 2 birds and get 3 birds on YomTov or the opposite, designate 3 and get 2 on Yom Tov. Finding meat in the street. Rov or Kirov. Birds move by themselves, money doesnt, and tieing birds and money sacks together. Details in the Shiur!

Mishle Shiur January

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Gemara Beitzah Daf 10a and 10b. We discuss more about the concept of b'reirah (retroactive decisions) and review of basic concepts of the laws of tumah and tahara.

Mishlei Shiur January 23 2007

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Gemara Beitzah Daf 10a - New mishnah and talk on retroactivity.

Mishley Shiur1. We are now continuing the Mishle shiurim we did before we started Hallel. Unfortunately they will not start at the beginning since there are tons of things to record and I dont have the time to do so, so we'll start at this Mishle and move on, ok? Meanwhile the Gemara shiur goes on!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Gemara Beitzah Daf 9b

Hallel Shiur - The Conclusion We discuss the closing bracha of the Hallel and then connect it to Seder Night when we discuss why we also include the Great Hallel, Nishmas, and Yishtabach.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Gemara Beitzah Daf 9a - NEW MISHNAH!

Gemara Beitzah Daf 8b

Hallel Shiur Kapittel 118C

Hallel Shiur Kapittel 118B

Hallel Shiur Kapittels 117-118