Rabbi Breitowitz's Tuesday Shiurim

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Location: Bethesda, MD, United States

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I will not be able to record tonight's shiur

Due to freezing rain and sleet in our area, I will not be able to come to the class tonight to record the shiur. One of the people has a Sony digital recorder, so if I can find some software that will transform Sony's weird formats into MP3, we may be able to get tonight's class up.

I do apologize for this. Torah is extremely important, however one must not put his life in danger.

For those in the freezing rain, hold tight, drive carefully and if you are off work, spend some valuable time with the family and Torah.

See you next week!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Gemara Beitzah Daf 11a
More on Rebbe Chanina from the mishnah discussing when you designate 2 birds in the nest
and found them on the ledge in front of the nest on YomTov. Mishnah says forbidden.
Are they from the huge number of birds on the outside (Rov) or were they originally
in the nest (kirov).

Abaye - this ledge is a frequent meeting place for birds, therefore this Mishnah is not a proof for Rebbe Chanina.
The Rov Is Karov because the ledge is closer to the outside (rov & kirov) than the nest

Rava - we're dealing with a 2 story dovecot: If I designate birds on bottom, it's easy for top birds to get down
However if I designate birds on TOP, it's hard for the little birds to climb up, so I would think top designated
birds are permitted...however Rava's chiddush is: no way, we are still afraid the bottom birds can climb!

Mishna: Find birds in different place, and no other birds around....then muttar
Gemara: No hopping birds within 50 amot of this nest. Non-flying birds dont travel more than 50 amot from the nest.
remember Medad = HOP, not FLY!

Why is this not obvious? Why does Mishnah bother with this?
Because this is a case where the nests are positioned on opposite sides of the corner.
Therefore the nests are not visible! Birds will not move to something that is invisible.

To be continued....

Mishlei Shiur February 6, 2007


Hope you are all enjoying the shiurim.
I am planning to add better notes to the shiurim, this is so that

1. I can fulfill the mitzvah of Chazara (reviewing my learning)
2. The shiurim will be easier to follow.

I pray that I can keep this good habit going.
Yehoshua (Robert)